Full Simplicity: The Art of Renunciation and Letting Go (2023)

In the Buddhist tradition, renunciation typically includes leaving the household life. What does this mean for laypeople who devote their lives fully to the Dharma? Kim Allen provides an invaluable guide to renunciation as a path for lay Buddhist practitioners. In early Buddhist teachings, renunciation is associated with ease, harmony, and wisdom. For both monastics and laypeople, it provides a broad and deep underpinning to the entire Buddhist path, such that engagement with it draws forth our most beautiful qualities and supports the letting go that leads to Awakening. The book deftly combines sutta analysis, clear commentary and interpretation, and real-world examples from modern practitioners’ lives.
Available in print and Kindle versions; click on the image.
Available in print and Kindle versions; click on the image.
Practice After Stream Entry (2021)

Along the Buddhist path, there is a distinct transition called stream entry, at which point a practitioner is said to be assured of reaching full Awakening. Stream entry comes when a person has sufficient experiential understanding of the teachings to bring about an irreversible change of view. A stream-enterer has gained certain qualities of mind and abandoned certain incorrect ways of seeing. What does practice look like after stream entry? How does it differ from practice before this transition? Supported by many references to the Pāli Canon, this book describes the change called “entering the stream,” then draws out various means of walking the path to reach full Awakening. It provides both a rigorous analysis and an inspired vision of practice after stream entry.
Click on the image to purchase a print copy.
This title is also available as Dhamma dāna: Download here.
Click on the image to purchase a print copy.
This title is also available as Dhamma dāna: Download here.